Home-Based Person-Centered Support (Home-Based PCS)


Home-Based Agency Person-Centered Support (PCS) is provided in the home of the person who receives services, in a Specialized Family Care Home, and/or in the local public community by Agency Direct Support Professionals who do not live in the home with the person. Home-Based Agency PCS consists of individually tailored training and/or support activities that enable the person who receives services to live and inclusively participate in their community. The activities and environments are designed to increase the acquisition of skills and appropriate behavior that are necessary for the person who receives services to have greater independence and personal choice, and to allow for maximum inclusion into their community.


Home-Based Agency PCS services may be used to assist with the acquisition, retention, and/or improvement of the following areas of functionality:

  • Self-care;
  • Receptive or expressive language;
  • Learning;
  • Mobility;
  • Self-direction; and
  • Capacity for Independent Living.


Home-Based Agency PCS services must be assessment based and outlined on the IPP. Activities must allow the person who receives services to reside and participate in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs and within their individualized budget. Home-Based Agency PCS services may include training specific to the person who receives services.